
TimeoutError ( for Windows users )

TimeoutError can be cause by multiple things:

  1. Check connection to your device:

    To check whether data is indeed coming from the device, please check the data transmission rate at the Task Manager:

    • Go to Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and selecting the Task Manager

    • In the Task Manager go to the Performance subpage and select your WiFi connection which should be connected to the device

    • Inspect if the incoming data rate is around 500 kbs

    • If no data is coming in, then disconnect from the devices, restart the device and turn off and on again the Wifi of your PC and reconnect

    • If data is not coming after several attempts please contact us.

  2. Disable Firewall:

    • Please be aware that firewall can block your application from communicating with the device.

    • To ensure that exception is added to your application using MindroveSDK, please follow the following instructions:

    • Go to Start Menu -> Type “firewall” & Hit Enter

    • Go to “Allow an app through firewall”

    • Click on the “Change settings” button ( this will prompt you for admin privileages)

    • Option 1: Find your application** and check both columns on the right ( Private and Public )

    • Option 2: Find your application**, delete it from the exception. Next time when you start your application a popup window will show up, requesting your to allow the exception. When this appears be sure to check both private and public networks. The second option can be useful in cases when you have multiple python.exe applications.