Supported Boards
MindRove Dummy Boards
Board |
Board Id |
MindRoveInputParams.serial_port |
MindRoveInputParams.mac_address |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_address |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_port |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_protocol |
MindRoveInputParams.other_info |
MindRoveInputParams.timeout |
MindRoveInputParams.serial_number |
MindRoveInputParams.file |
Playback Board |
Board Id of master board |
path to file for playback |
Streaming Board |
multicast IP address |
port |
Board Id of master board |
Synthetic Board |
Playback File Board
This board playbacks file recorded using another MindRove board.
It allows you to test signal processing algorithms on real data without device.
To choose this board in BoardShim constructor please specify:
board_id: -3
other_info field of MindRoveFlowInputParams structure should contain board_id of device used to create playback file
file field of MindRoveInputParams structure
Supported platforms:
Windows >= 8.1
By default it generates new timestamps and stops at the end of the file. You can override it using commands:
board.config_board ('loopback_true')
board.config_board ('loopback_false')
board.config_board ('new_timestamps')
board.config_board ('old_timestamps')
In methods like:
get_eeg_channels (board_id)
get_emg_channels (board_id)
get_ecg_channels (board_id)
# .......
You need to use master board id instead Playback Board Id, because exact data format for playback board is controlled by master board as well as sampling rate.
Streaming Board
MindRove’s boards can stream data to different destinations like file, socket and so on. This board acts like a consumer for data streamed from the main process.
To use it in the first process you should call:
# choose any valid multicast address(from "" to "") and port
start_stream (450000, 'streaming_board://')
In the second process please specify:
board_id: -2
ip_address field of MindRoveInputParams structure, for example above it’s
ip_port field of MindRoveInputParams structure, for example above it’s 6677
other_info field of MindRoveInputParams structure, write there board_id for a board which acts like data provider(master board)
Supported platforms:
Windows >= 8.1
In methods like:
get_eeg_channels (board_id)
get_emg_channels (board_id)
get_ecg_channels (board_id)
# .......
You need to use master board id instead Streaming Board Id, because exact data format for streaming board is controlled by master board as well as sampling rate.
Synthetic Board
This board generates synthetic data and you dont need real hardware to use it.
It can be extremely useful during development.
To choose this board in BoardShim constructor please specify:
board_id: -1
you dont need to set any fields in MindRoveInputParams structure
Supported platforms:
Windows >= 8.1
Mindrove ARB/ARC
Board |
Board Id |
MindRoveInputParams.serial_port |
MindRoveInputParams.mac_address |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_address |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_port |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_protocol |
MindRoveInputParams.other_info |
MindRoveInputParams.timeout |
MindRoveInputParams.serial_number |
MindRoveInputParams.file |
MindRove Wifi |
WIFI Shield IP(default |
4210 |
Timeout for HTTP response(default 10sec) |

To choose this board in BoardShim constructor please specify:
board_id: 0
serial_port field of MindRoveInputParams structure
Supported platforms:
Windows >= 8.1
Raspberry Pi
On MacOS there are two serial ports for each device: /dev/tty….. and /dev/cu….. You HAVE to specify /dev/cu…..
Also, on Unix-like systems you may need to configure permissions for serial port or run with sudo.
Mindrove SyncBox
Board |
Board Id |
MindRoveInputParams.serial_port |
MindRoveInputParams.mac_address |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_address |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_port |
MindRoveInputParams.ip_protocol |
MindRoveInputParams.other_info |
MindRoveInputParams.timeout |
MindRoveInputParams.serial_number |
MindRoveInputParams.file |
MindRove Wifi |
Required |
Timeout for HTTP response |

To choose this board in BoardShim constructor please specify:
board_id: 1
mac_address to specify the device to get data from ( device should be connected to SyncBox)
Supported platforms:
Windows >= 8.1
Raspberry Pi